This document is made up of 3 sections.
The steps highlighted here are not absolute but they ensure efficiency of setup and they
incorporate checks which ensure that all the systems are in good working order.
1 Bulk ink system
The pipes from the ink tanks to the cartridges should be cut to size for neatness.
Pour the inks with the printer switched on so that you ensure that all the ink level sensors are fully functional and for unlabelled indicator LEDs this gives the chance to know which LED is for which colour tank. Label the LEDs when you pour and it switches off.
1.2 Dampers and printhead
Pull white ink with a different syringe from the colour inks, if available use a new syringe.
For colour inks, if available use separate syringes for each colour. If only one syringe is
available pull dampers starting with the lightest colour ending with darkest ie, YMCK.
Never use f-ink-damper-dx5 for bulk ink systems, it lacks the ability to regulate pressure and
will leak ink from under the printhead.

2.0 Textile DTF
2.1 DTF 300
2.1.0 White ink circulation
White ink circulation for the DTF 300 has a pump frequency regulator; a knob at the back of the
machine controls how frequent and for how long the pump runs. The ideal setting for this knob
is 15% to 20%. When set too high the pump will pump ink out of the printhead leading to white
disappearing mid print.
NB. SHAKE (AGITATE) WHITE INK WELL, it is good practice to shake for at least 30
seconds, pour half the ink into the tank and shake the remaining half for another 30
seconds before pouring it in.
2.1.1 Dampers and printhead
Pull the colour dampers first, the 300 is small to avoid working with less space for movement.
After pouring the white ink, switch on the printer and open the valve and wait a few minutes for
the white ink to circulate on its own until the ink starts flowing down to the dampers on its own.
Pull each damper with a clean syringe, (No need to pinch the other pipes since the small
reservoir tank above the dampers will be full from the circulated ink).
2.1.2 Station set up
On the Hosonsoft tool go to advance, enter the password 222222 ctrl F12 or ctrl fn F12 to shift
to factory mode. Station position is on the boot initialisation tab, x motor, hit limit back to zero
distance. Cap height is on the scarp motor tab, change the values of wet the ink stack
height, pump the ink stack height, flash the ink stack height and scarp the ink stack height.
After changing the values go to file then save, after click operation then initialise. This will apply the new settings.
2.2 DTF 600
For the DTF 600 the ink pipe with the green marker must be connected to the pump inside the
tank and the one with the white marker is the return. NB. Special care should be taken to
ensure connection is in this way because connecting in reverse will result in ink being
sucked out of the printhead leading to white disappearing mid print.

2.2.0 White ink circulation
2.2.1 Dampers and printhead
After pouring the white ink, open the valve and wait a few minutes for the white ink to circulate
on its own until the ink starts flowing down to the dampers on its own. Pull each damper with a
clean syringe, (No need to pinch the other pipes since the small reservoir tank above the
dampers will be full from the circulated ink).
NB. If the ink system switches on but doesn’t beep with empty tanks, double-check the
polarity of the power to the bulk ink system. Sometimes it comes reversed.
3.0 UV fast colour
3.1 Dampers and printhead
3.2 Station setup
Change the spit cap height to about halfway between the lowest point and the printhead such that
during clean nozzle, you can actually see the jets of ink spraying, from experience this prevents
the nozzle from getting gaps especially when using the DSP dampers.
Follow the links below for installation videos
- FastCOLOUR XP600 ECO-Solvent/Sublimation Ink Large Format Printer Installation and …
- Textile DTF 300mm Printer Setup, PrintEXP Alignment Tool and FlexiPRINT Driver Installa…
- DirectTOFILM DTF Textile 600mm Printer Assemble Guide with DTF Powder Shaking Mac…
Article by T. Mutami
Please Download “Best Practice Installing Printer” PDF