The MetalWise Lite is the most affordable entry level CNC Plasma Cutting Machine brought to you by Advanced Machinery, a company that’s part of the AM.CO.ZA Group Of Companies.
The Metalwise light is made up of Four main components; The Control Unit, The Gantry Bar, The track Base and The Plasma Cutting system.
The control unit sits on the Track Base and moves back and forth, with the aid of a stepping motor which controls the Y axis movements. The Gantry Bar controls the X axis as it slides left and right through the Control Unit.
The Plasma Cutting system is mounted on the end of the gantry bar to provide absolute cutting power.The Laser Cutting Machine also comes with a hand-held torch therefore it can also be manually operated.
The simple structure of the MetalWise Light is suitable for a wide range of metal cutting requirements, from a small work shop to a metal art hobbyist. Since the track Base can be removed from the table and placed directly on the metal plate, (which is ideal for onsite cutting), if needed the control unit can also detach by sliding it all the way off from the track base.
This Cutting System is so popular because of the value that it offers at a mere 50% of the price of its competitor. The Hypertherm Plasma Cutting System also makes use of consumables that are half the price as well, with comparable cutting quality and speed.
For more information regarding the Metalwise Lite CNC Plasma Cutting Machine, click here MetalWise Lite
To watch a video about our MetalWise Lite Plasma Cutting Machine click here watch on YouTube Video