There is nothing AM.CO.ZA values more than providing the best service and top of the range quality products to their clients. And it is evident from speaking to clients that there is no one better when it comes to delivering the promise of achievement.
I recently spoke to one of AM.CO.ZA’s most valued customers, Caryn, in a telephonic interview and was elated to hear how pleased she was after all these years of being a customer.
Caryn has been a valued customer since the inception of Advanced Machinery and was an early adopter. The company was started in 2013.
She chose AM.CO.ZA to help her achieve, but not only that, they were more cost effective for her than rival companies.
AM.CO.ZA can now count on Caryn as a recurring customer because of service she described as “excellent” and absolutely no hesitation when she was asked if she would return to AM.CO.ZA.
The amount of companies that can say the same are getting a run for their money as AM.CO.ZA are rising above with customer service where when asked what could have been done better they got the splendid response of “nothing at all”.
If that doesn’t say Achievement Matters, then nothing will.
For the V-Series Vinyl Cutter range Caryn bought, visit
For other CNC machines, please check